Austin Convocational Steering Committee
September 30, 2001

Attendees: Dyke Miller, St. Matthews; Wanda Stimson, Grace Church Georgetown; Joe Nanus, St. George's; Roger Wine, St. Phillips the Joy Giver; Colette Foyt, Jerry Lyle, St. Richards

Old Business: Need Church to host in October. Will be addressed at announcements, during Ultreya.

New Business: Jerry brought to the attention the situation with one of St. Richard's attendee's that got sick and could not participate during the weekend, and was ignored by Cursillo team. No one notified us until Saturday night, and only to tell us that their participant could not participate in Maninitas or Clasura. Joe said the sponsor should have been called immediately, and gone to pick up their sponsoree. Wanda noted that her parish is working on evalgelizing Sun City, as well as other members that are "older." She said, this might become an issue for them and that some plan should be put in place. Joe said he would take this to the Secretariat, to address the issue, and to come up with a proper procedure for any future situations.

 Joe gave an update from the Secretariat, and is as follows:

Joe gave an update from the Secretariat, and is as follows:
1. Approved revised Rector/Rectora Manual.
2. Refer to the Weekend as "Cursillo weekend #190" or "Weekend #190", not just "Cursillo" which gives the impression that the weekend is Cursillo.
3. Art Response - There is to be only one art response each day. On Saturday, this can be skits as is often done, but could be posters or some other atr form. Skits is not dictated in the schedule, only an art respoonse.
4. The Secretariat has determined that personnal palanca from sponsors will be given only on Sunday morning at Mananitas.
5. Job description for Convocational Rep & Convocations Contact. Final draft to be sent out when ready.
6. National Episcopal Cursillo meeting on 10/26-28/-1 at Camp Allen. Applications at Cost for whole weekend is $300 (178 already signed up). There are day registrations and a Friday meal & Keynote address. Presiding Bishop will be keynote speaker.
7. Cursillo 190 evaluation by team submitted by Rectora Carol Price. Questions to be addressed include: Definition of Agape and what it is intended to accomplish, timing of meals, switch controls in Chapel. Clausura closing standardized to not thank the team.
8. Next Secretariat meeting is November 17, 2001, 9:30 to 1:30. Open to anyone who would like to attend.
9. Fr. John Graham indicates that he does not like the "daisy chain" or "snaking" of people going to the front to receive their crosses. It takes too much time and prolongs the closing. He would rather see a simple flow of people. Secretariat will address this and work with teams to have a controlled trial of any modifications.


Treasurer's Report:

  Colette handed out copies of the report, and we actually have about $245 in the black!

PS Christ Church Leander/Cedar Park, stepped up and claimed hosting the October 21st Ultreya.

Many thanks to Jerry Lyle for chairing the meeting and taking the minutes.
Steve Ryder: Austin Convocational Contact