Diocese of Texas Cursillo Secretariat Meeting Minutes for 18 May 2002 The Lay Director, Sally Hibbeler, following Group Reunion, called the meeting to order at 9:45 a.m. Fred Guilfoyle introduced Alice DeVore, rectora of weekend #193 to address the secretariat about the weekend. Problems mentioned included: * The team wound up having to run the Power Point at the closing. * The team brought a podium for use in the meeting room. * Cell phones generally don’t work at Camp Allen and most people don’t have calling cards anymore, prepaid cards are recommended for communication by the team to remote locations. * The team had to go outside their convocation to assemble the full team. * Suggested that the Galveston Convocation be combined with another convocation such as East Harris. Father Jim Nelson spoke about his love of the movement. He expressed a fear that the movement has been transfixed rather than transformed. He said the clergy are not seeing the movement as a valuable tool because it has become fixed. There was a general discussion of Father Jim's remarks. David Kemp, Internal Palanca Chairperson, offered his resignation after serving six years in that capacity. The Secretariat, with regret but great thanks, accepted his resignation. Sally Hibbeler appointed Joe Nanus secretary of the Secretariat. Joe was the unofficial secretary at the March 2002 meeting and the next order of business was the examination of the minutes of that meeting. The following amendments to the minutes as submitted were made: *Page 1, paragraph 6, last line, change word, "understood" to "said" so the sentence reads, "She said it was a Word document." *Page 2, paragraph 5, move the bold statement at the last of the paragraph to a position as the second sentence in the paragraph so the first two sentences read, "A discussion of member replacement on the Secretariat was held. H. Jordan was asked to submit a proposal to the Lay Director before the next meeting." Motion, H. Jordan/F Guilfoyle to accept minutes as amended. Motion passed. A discussion of the overage on cost of weekend #194 followed as part of the treasurer's report. After a good deal of discussion, Motion, B. Waddell/K. Smith to pay the overage on weekend #194. Motion passed. Anne Sundquist, Registrar reported on the coming weekends. At the time of the meeting there were 19 signed up for weekend #195, 7 to 9 for weekend #196 and 3 for weekend #197. Anne also gave a report for the committee asked to seek answers about the Agape on the weekend. She indicated that the Agape was an act of the team members carrying out an example of the love of Christ; a gesture of love from the team and a community building exercise based on trust between the team and the participants. It is not to take away from the purpose of the weekend and the time frame to fit into that. After some discussion, the following motion was proposed: B. Waddell/F.Guilfoyle to accept the guidelines and that at the team's discretion Agape be structured in a time and manner to enhance the purpose of the weekend. Motion passed. As requested, Harrison Jordan reported to the Secretariat with a recommended Convocational Representative Replacement Policy. After his presentation, a good deal of discussion ensued. The original proposal was amended and a motion made, J. Nanus/H. Jordan, to adopt the amended policy. Motion passed. The policy as adopted states: 1. The Convocational Representative whose term is expiring should submit to the Lay Director the name of a recommended replacement not later than November 30 of the year prior to the year in which the term expires. 2. The person recommended should meet the requirements of the Convocational Representative as set forth by the Cursillo Secretariat, as well as have experience on at least one weekend team. 3. If the incumbent Convocational Representative does not recommend a replacement as set forth above, the Lay Director (or the Assistant Lay Director) should contact active members of that convocation for recommendations. Sally Hibbeler reported that there will be four weekends in 2003 in the months of March, June, September and November. The November weekend will be held at Camp Site III. With a reduced weekend schedule, the Secretariat discussed if it would be proper to reduce the number of Secretariat meetings. Motion, F. Guilfoyle/H. Jordan to meet two more times in 2002, once in August and again in October. In 2003, Secretariat meetings to be held in February, May, August and October. Motion passed. The members present elected Joe Nanus to serve as Assistant Lay Director for the year 2002. Sally Hibbeler announced that there are several people looking for their replacements on the Secretariat and as Convocational Contacts. We also need a chairperson for a Servant Community. As a final business item for this meeting, the Secretariat voted wholeheartedly to endorse and support the nomination of Marge Domini to a position on the National Episcopal Cursillo Committee (NECC). Meeting adjourned with a prayer. Next meeting will be August 17, 2002. Respectfully submitted, Joe Nanus, Secretary