Austin Convocational Steering Committee
March 6, 2005

Attendees: Jerry Lyle, Dyke Miller, Roger & Jeri Wines, Steve & Peggy Ryder, Jeanette Holahan, and Diane Greer. Diane opened the meeting with a prayer.

Diane presented Treasurer's Report (see attached). Babysitting is costing more than budgeted due to Diocesan requirement for 2 sitters. Balance on hand is $776.30.

Jerry shared information that during a recent Acolyte Festival at All Saints, the Rector expressed an interest in reviving Cursillo. Also, Grace Church may host the August Ultreya. We were each challenged to contact a nearby church to share an encouraging word about Cursillo. Jerry wants to promote our November Ultreya at the Seminary. Bishop Daniel has committed to be there.

Steve reported on the Secretariat meeting which he attended for Carol. The Day started and ended with the budget because folks wanted to talk about budget items before voting. In the end the budget passed as proposed. Most of the talk was about the Family Reunion in January. Only 31 folks showed up though over 40 had signed up and 91 had said last year they would come this year. The bad news is that we "lost" $10,000 on this event, the good news is we still have about $10,000 thanks to the Marvin Garza letter asking for contributions. Bishop High has indicated he will write a similar letter. He has also committed to contact all clergy in the Diocese about Cursillo. The budget is an almost calendar budget, but techinically runs from after Diocesan Council to the next Council. Thus the January event for 2006 is part of the 2005 budget. After much discussion about why turnout was so low, it was agreed that the 2006 event, to which we are already committed and is supported by Bishop High, would benefit from improved publicity as well as the move "back" to the 3rd weekend. It appears the 2nd weekend conflicts with vestry retreats which took a heavy toll this year.

Jerry asked about the Chaining and Philosophy training. I recalled it was talked about, but don't recall the specifics.

Jeanette reported that despite no priest, not even an Interim in several months, Christ Church is BOOMING!

Ressurection announced a conference "Discover Your Faith Story, The Real Episcopal Fear Factor" that is sponsored with Trinity Institute on Wall Street. This Saturday April 30 event is part of a national event.

Roger Wines raised the issue of spotty music at Ultreyas. For the past few years music has been left to the individual churches. Roger suggested the formation of an inter-church music group that could support Cursillo. All agreed this was a good idea.

Dyke Miller closed with prayer.