Austin Convocational Steering Committee
November 16, 2008

Attendees: Jeanette Holahan, Helen Paulsen, Dyke Miller, Lesli Whitfield, and Steve Ryder.

Jeanette chaired. Dyke opened with prayer.

Minutes from September Steering Committee Meeting approved, Lesli motion, Dyke 2nd.

Dyke raised question about $10,000 owed to Camp Allen. Jeanette reports that Jan is researching the accounting for this. The secretariat is looking at options including 3 vs. 4 per year or reduced # candidates. She expects bookkeeping to improve with Jan. Secreatariat Report from October will be included here (from Jan).

Leslie presented Treasurer's Report: (Detail, YTD Budget):
Balance on hand is $606.16. We have changed banks, and all old documents have been shreded. Leslie presented our current status and presented a proposed budget for 2009 (see attached)... Dyke moved to accept Treasurers Report and proposed 2009 budget. Steve 2nd. Motion passed.

Helen moved that Peggy Ryder be appointed Secretariat Rep by acclamation. Steve 2nd. Jeanetter will contact Tim Hillis.

There was lots of discussion about what we might do to "renew" Cursillo.

Steve closed with a brief prayer.