Austin Convocational Steering Committee
May 16, 2011

Attendees: Jim Hart (Convocational Contact) and Helen Paulsen (Resurrection), Dyke Miller + Peggy and Steve Ryder (St. Matthew's).

Jim chaired the meeting and opened in prayer. The minutes from the March 13 meeting were reviewd. Dyke moved to accept minutes with corrections, Steve 2nd, motion passed.

Our Treasurer was not present.

Peggy asked that we leave the motion to "pay the Diocese Cursillo $200 for 2011 dues as well as the $100 dues for 2010 in addition to the $200 already paid, making our annual contribution $300 for 2010" in these minutes as a reminder for discussion at out next steering committee meeting.

Jim Hart will contact Grace and St. Luke's to make sure they know they can still host the Ultreyas in September and November (replacing Cedar Park in November).

Jim shared a letter crafted by Nancy to send out to churches in the Austin convocation who are not active in Cursillo and see what we can do to help them activate their churches. Jim will talk with Reid Morgan about church contacts (hopefully at an upcoming Secretariat meeting).

Steve closed with prayer.