Austin Convocational Steering Committee
September 11, 2011

Attendees: Helen Paulsen (Resurrection), Peggy and Steve Ryder (St. Matthew's), Eric Whitfield (St. Richards) and Wanda Stimson (Grace).

Steve chaired the meeting and Peggy opened in prayer. The minutes from the May 16 meeting were reviewed. Eric moved to accept minutes with corrections, Wanda 2nd, motion passed.

Eric reported that our bank balance is $1,068.

Eric will "pay the Diocese Cursillo $200 for 2011 dues as well as the $100 dues for 2010 in addition to the $200 already paid, making our annual contribution $300 for 2010." At out next steering committee meeting we will discuss adding $100 to our 2011 dues, and supporting the November team (this may be an email discussion).

Steve will remind Jim Hart to contact St. Luke's to see it they can host the Ultreyas in November (replacing Cedar Park).

Wanda reported that Grace cannot commit for September, 2012 as they are in the process of calling a new Rector.

Peggy has made a "list" of the 26 parishes and missions in the convocation (+ a startup in Manor). We are uncertain of the progress made on asking each priest the following questions:
1. Have you been to Cursillo?
2. If not, will you attend a Cursillo?
3. Can we make a presentation to your church?
Note: It appears some priests have negative views of Cursillo.

Steve closed with prayer.