Austin Convocational Steering Committee
June 26, 2016

Attendees: Duke DuTeil (St. Richards, Round Rock), Diane DuTeil (St. Richards, Round Rock), Randy Johnson (St. Marys, Lampassas), Peggy Ryder (St. Matthews), Steve Ryder (St. Matthews), Wanda Stimson (Grace, Georgetown), Nancy Wren (Christ Church)

Chaired by Steve Ryder.

Treasurer's report:
  • Balance of $1044.79. Offering 6-26 $80.00: New Balance: $1124.79.

    Randy Johnson moved approval of October minutes. Peggy Ryder 2nd. Motion passed.

    Duke asked about Ultreya Dates: The current policy is 2nd Sunday of the month or the weekend after a Cursillo or InStep. It was noted that this can be changed due to holidays and/or church availability. Two examples were moving this Ultreya due to Father's Day, and moving August back a week due to school holiday conflicts.

    Wanda noted that interest (in Ultreya, Cursillo and/or InStep???) has dropped off. At this point there were many various opinions including: Clergy support lacking, faiure to recruit Pilgrims, Ultreya attendance dropping off... At this point I quit taking notes...

    Steve noted that Austin will be team for Feb 2016 Cursillo. Diane expressed interest in leading. Steve clarified that Cindy (our Diocesan Spritual Advisor) selects the Spiritual Advisors, hopefully based on suggestions from the team leader. Cynthia (All Saints) was suggested as a likely candidate.

    Steve brought up fact that our BBVA/Compass checking account signiture cards were out of date. We agreed to drop Nancy Wren and Eric Whitfield from the signiture card, and add Duke DuTeil. Duke and Steve will visit BBVA/Compass Casis branch to accomplish this change.

    Diane closed with prayer.