Minutes of Steering Committee
Austin Convocation of Cursillo
Diocese of Texas

July 18, 1999 @ St. Luke’s on the Lake

Present: Jane Powers, St. John’s, Peggy & Steve Ryder, Fr. George Wilson, Collett Foyt, St. Matthew’s, Dede Saenz, Kathy Akin, St. Alban’s, Bill Riley, Trinity Marble Falls, Richard Larson, Wes Hiatt, St. Christopher’s, & Joe Nanus, St. George’s .

Steve opened the meeting with prayer.

Steve handed out the list for Cursillo #178 and the Minutes from last Steering Committee meeting. He reminded us that they are on the Austin Cursillo Web page.

Fr. George let the Committee know about the interim Vicar @St. James, Taylor.

Steve had everyone check the lists for Cursillo church contacts, etc.

Corrections to Steering Committee Minutes of May 17 were made and approved. Joe moved to approve the Minutes & Fr. George seconded.

Joe informed us that Secretariat did not meet so there was no report.

Steve discussed old notes and shared Karios letter and picture. Darrell Davis was the inmate the Cursillo Committee sponsored. Steve asked that we sponsor an inmate for Hilltop Karios. Joe said this was already agreed upon at previous Steering Committee meeting. Joe moved and Collett seconded that we sponsor an inmate. Collett will contact Barbara Haynes about how to write the Karios check. Karios information is available on the web at www.jsrsys.com/kairos.

Steve encouraged people to volunteer for the November Cursillo WeekendTeam, and has leadership applications, which are also on the Cursillo Web Site.

Collett gave the Treasurer’s Report and handouts. Steve gave Collett $33.00 for June Ultreya @Marble Falls, $10.00 paid for babysitting. Collett said we have $576.00 in the bank, and we’re all paid up.

Discussion on costs for Cursillo Team - $365.00; Karios sponsorship is $125.00

Discussion on names of Cursillo Weekends, etc.

Fr. George closed with a prayer.

God’s love & peace, Dede Saenz +