S3029: A History of Storage Management.
SHARE Technical Conference August 2002 |
Ever wonder what storage management was like before System Managed Storage (SMS)? This session will explore the early origins of storage management (all the way back to 1965!). Experiences starting with punch cards, tape, IBM 2311/2314 disks, working through the IBM 3390's will be covered. How storage management was done before SMS was introduced and how SMS changed that will be discussed. The Texas Education Agency was the first site in Austin, Texas to implement SMS. Due to strong data set naming conventions already being in place, this was done with minimal non-technical management involvement.
The author has been writing programs since 1965 in Fortran, COBOL,
PL/1, Algol, Pascal, C, C++, and various assembly languages. He was the MVS Security and Data Managment (later renamed Storage Management) SHARE project leader for twelve years.
He "retired" from the Texas Education Agency in 1995 as Senior Directory for Systems Support.
Steve Ryder, Senior Director
JSR Systems (SHARE Code: JSR)
2805 Robbs Run
Austin, Texas 78703
Clients for whom the speaker has developed
code include:
The University of Texas at Austin
Texas Education Agency
| 1966-2000
Houston Ind. School District
| 1975-1981
Conroe Ind. School District
| 1980-1993
United States Navy
| 1966-1994
Capitol Appraisal Group, Inc.
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Table of Contents
- 1965 Punch cards.
- 1966 First random access: Univac Fastrand drum.
- 1968 Tapes: Invention of COBLIB tape source library, BASIS decks...
- 1972 2311/2314 disk. FDR.
- Defrag with IEHMOVE
- 1978 3350-not removable.
- 1982 FDR-ABR, archive to tape...
- 1985 talk w/ IBM about idea of SMS in SHARE working session.
- 1987 first Austin install of SMS.
1965 Punch cards and Tape.
Punch cards
Boxes, Cadillac was a metal box.
IBM 1620: Input source deck, punch object deck, list source on IBM 407 (wired boards).
1966 First random access: Univac Fastrand drum.
First random access: Univac Fastrand drum, concrete cylinder w/ steel
jacket 12 feet long, two feet diameter, five foot tall box.
1968 Tapes: Invention of COBLIB tape source library, BASIS decks...
Story of punch card box left on top of car when traveling to "remote" site.
Invention of COBLIB tape source library, BASIS decks... (see # 1 for
RJE via greyhound bus.
RCA had computers too!!! RJE concept for Regional ESCs.
1972 2311/2314 disk. FDR for backups.
2314 disk (need to get capacity).
Story of programming to "rock across the floor".
Disk space managed by "hand". VTOC's.
OS/CVOLS led to USERTEA.sss.xyz naming conventions.
Defrag with IEHMOVE
With removable disks, did "compaction" by using IEHMOVE to move from
one volume to another then clip the volser.
1978 3350-not removable.
3350-not removable, called FDR with "idea" for Compaktor, they were in
beta stages already.
Issues with VSAM. VSAM catalogs were a different beast.
VSAM-ASSIST for VSAM management.
1982 FDR-ABR, archive to tape...
FDR-ABR, archive to tape... Data set naming conventions very important.
1985 talk w/ IBM about idea of SMS in SHARE working session.
SHARE played a valuable role in giving IBM feedback.
1987 first Austin install of SMS.
Benefits to my shop of SHARE
participation, on leading but not bleading edge.
Data set naming conventions very important.
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