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S8360: Java: OO Concepts & Java for COBOL Programmers.
SHARE Technical Conference -- August 2002 Example Programs |
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Example Programs
class IbfExtract
static final String COPYRIGHT =
"Copyright 2000, JSR Systems. See: www.Jsrsys.com/copyright.";
static final int MAXOUT = 40;
JsrSysout sysout = new JsrSysout();
JsrUtil u = new JsrUtil();
String inputLine = " ";
JsrLineIn input = new JsrLineIn();
JsrLineOut[] output = new JsrLineOut[MAXOUT];
String[] outName = new String[MAXOUT];
int line100 = 0;
int recNum = 0;
int i = 0; // output index
int iMax = 0;
String fileName = "";
public static void main(String argv[])
IbfExtract IbfExtract = new IbfExtract();
public void run(String parm[])
sysout.display("IbfExtract--usage: IbfExtract ");
if (parm.length < 1)
sysout.display("IbfExtract--requires one parameters");
for (i = 0; i < MAXOUT; i++) {outName[i] = "";}
sysout.display(u.getDateTime()+"--RP5196 Begin Extract");
while (0 <= (recNum=input.getNext()))
inputLine = input.getLine();
fileName = inputLine.substring(0,10).trim();
if (fileName.equals("RP5226")) fileName += "."+inputLine.substring(17,21);
for (i = 0; i < iMax && !fileName.equals(outName[i]); i++) {}
if (i == iMax)
output[i] = new JsrLineOut();
outName[i] = fileName;
if (line100 == 100)
line100 = 0;
sysout.speedometer("Copying record: "+recNum);
for (i = 0; i < iMax; i++)
sysout.display(u.getDateTime()+"--RP5196 End-- Extract");
class IbfReport
static final String COPYRIGHT =
"Copyright 2000, Imperial Business Forms & JSR Systems. See: www.Jsrsys.com/copyright.";
static final int MAXREC = 50000;
JsrSysout sysout = new JsrSysout();
JsrUtil u = new JsrUtil();
String[] inputLine = new String[MAXREC];
JsrLineIn input = new JsrLineIn();
JsrSortByKey sort = new JsrSortByKey();
JsrLineOut output = new JsrLineOut();
int line100 = 0;
int recNum = 0;
int i = 0;
int iMax = 0;
int[] keys;
int testMax = 0; //setting to non-zero will process only first n records.
int pageNum = 0;
int lineCount = 99;
int linesPerPage = 84;
String tl1 = u.padRight("1",133);
String tl2 = u.padRight("0",133);
String tl2b = " ";
String hdr1 = u.padRight(" ",133);
String today = u.getDateTime();
String year4 = today.substring(0,4);
String mm2 = today.substring(5,7);
String[] mmName = {" JANUARY",
" MAY",
" JUNE",
" JULY",
int intYear;
int intMonth;
String ccAll;
String ccBrch;
String ccHBGN;
String ccCatType;
String ccCostCode;
String ccMonth;
String ccPrtAcd;
String division = " ";
String costLabel = " ";
String reportName = "IbfReport";
public static void main(String argv[])
IbfReport IbfReport = new IbfReport();
public void run(String parm[])
lineCount = 99; // repeat of same report starts on new page.
pageNum = 0; // start each report with new page numbers 2000-12-17
setReportName(); // sets reportName for following displays, etc.
setSortKeys(); // set sort keys array values...
sysout.display(reportName+"--usage: "+reportName+" <Control Card> <input> <output> ");
if (parm.length < 3)
sysout.display(reportName+"--requires three parameters");
input.setName(parm[0]); // set for control card input
input.getNext(); // read first output "control card"
input.getNext(); // read control card.
ccAll = u.padRight(input.getLine(),40); // this eliminates IndexOutOfRange errors in setCC!
input.setName(parm[1]); // reset for datafile input
setCC(); // sets Control Card (CC) fields
if (ccBrch.equals("30")) division = "DALLAS DIVISION";
if (ccBrch.equals("37")) division = "HOUSTON DIVISION";
if (ccBrch.equals("72")) division = "MONTGOMERY DIVISION";
if (ccBrch.equals("73")) division = "MOBILE DIVISION";
if (ccBrch.equals("74")) division = "MERIDIAN DIVISION";
if (ccBrch.equals("75")) division = "LAKELAND DIVISION";
intYear = u.getInt(year4);
intMonth = u.getInt(ccMonth);
sysout.display("year="+intYear+" mm="+intMonth+" Control Card="+ccAll);
if (intMonth < 1 || intMonth > 12)
sysout.display(reportName+"--Invalid month, terminating execution");
if (mm2.equals("12") && ccMonth.equals("01")) intYear++;
sysout.display("year="+intYear+" mm="+intMonth);
setTl2(); // sets tl2 title line
setHdr1(); // sets hdr2 header
i = 0;
while (0 <= (recNum=input.getNext()))
inputLine[i] = input.getLine();
if (line100 == 100)
line100 = 0;
sysout.speedometer("Loading record: "+recNum);
}//sysout.display("Loading record: "+recNum+" iMax="+iMax);
if (recNum == testMax) break; // set test EOF
keys[0] = iMax; // set actual table length.
sysout.display(u.getDateTime()+"--"+parm[1]+" Begin sort");
sort.sort(inputLine, keys);
sysout.display(u.getDateTime()+"--"+parm[1]+" End-- sort");
for (i = 0; i < iMax; i++)
if (lineCount > linesPerPage) newPage();
setDetail(); // method overridden
out133("0"+"Record Total = " + u.padLeft(iMax,10) );
String picNum(String num)
int wholeInt;
wholeInt = u.getInt(num);
if (wholeInt == Integer.MIN_VALUE)
return " "+num.substring(0,5);
return u.padLeft(wholeInt,10,2);
void out133(String shortLine)
void newPage()
out133(" ");
lineCount = 4;
// it is expected the all the following methods will be overridden
void setReportName()
void setSortKeys()
keys = new int[] {0,1,1,0,}; // set default keys...
//keys [0] = sort table length (actual), rest column,length,A/D triplets
void setCC()
void setTl2()
void setHdr1()
void setDetail()
out133(" ");
class IbfRP5196 extends IbfReport
public static void main(String argv[])
IbfRP5196 IbfRP5196 = new IbfRP5196();
void setReportName()
reportName = "IbfRP5196"; // this should be set to class name
// used in displays
void setSortKeys()
keys = new int[] {0,95,1,0,24,31,0}; // descending on catalog, ascending on name
//keys [0] = sort table length (actual), rest column,length,A/D triplets
void setCC() // this method defines location of Control Card fields.
ccBrch = ccAll.substring(0,2);
ccHBGN = " ";
ccCatType = ccAll.substring(2,5);
ccCostCode = ccAll.substring(5,6);
ccMonth = ccAll.substring(6,8);
ccPrtAcd = ccAll.substring(8,9);
void setTl2()
tl2 = "0 "+u.padRight(division,40)
+mmName[intMonth-1]+" "
+" RP5196 PAGE "
void setHdr1()
if (ccCostCode.equals("Y")) costLabel = "Cost";
hdr1 = " "+u.padRight("Item",8)
+u.padRight("N D C",14)
+u.padLeft(costLabel,10)+" "
+u.padLeft("List",10)+" CL "
+ "Product Code"
void setDetail()
out133(" "+
inputLine[i].substring(20,23)+" "+
inputLine[i].substring(23,54)+" "+
inputLine[i].substring(54,68)+" "+
inputLine[i].substring(68,70)+" "+
picNum(inputLine[i].substring(70,77))+" "+
picNum(inputLine[i].substring(77,84))+" "+
inputLine[i].substring(94,95)+" "+
inputLine[i].substring(84,94)+" "+
class IbfRP5226 extends IbfReport
public static void main(String argv[])
IbfRP5226 IbfRP5226 = new IbfRP5226();
void setReportName()
reportName = "IbfRP5226"; // this should be set to class name
// used in displays
//testMax = 100; // set to limit input for testing.
void setSortKeys()
keys = new int[] {0,102,1,0,28,31,0}; // descending on catalog, ascending on name
//keys [0] = sort table length (actual), rest column,length,A/D triplets
void setCC() // this method defines location of Control Card fields.
ccBrch = ccAll.substring(0,2);
ccHBGN = ccAll.substring(2,6);
ccCatType = ccAll.substring(6,7);
ccCostCode = "X";
ccMonth = ccAll.substring(7,9);
ccPrtAcd = ccAll.substring(9,10);
void setTl2()
tl2 = "0 BG-"+ccHBGN+" "
+mmName[intMonth-1]+" "
+" PAGE"
tl2b = " RP5226B";
void setHdr1()
hdr1 = " "+u.padRight("Item",8)
+u.padRight("N D C",14)
+u.padLeft("AWP",8)+" "
+u.padLeft("Cost",10)+" Ind CL "
+ "Product Code"
void setDetail()
out133(" "+
inputLine[i].substring(24,27)+" "+
inputLine[i].substring(27,58)+" "+
inputLine[i].substring(58,72)+" "+
picNum(inputLine[i].substring(74,81))+" "+
picNum(inputLine[i].substring(81,88))+" "+
inputLine[i].substring(88,91)+" "+
inputLine[i].substring(101,102)+" "+
inputLine[i].substring(91,100)+" "+
// JsrLineIn.java:
* to simplify input of *.txt type files.
* Sample Use:
* JsrLineIn file1 = new JsrLineIn();
* String[] strfile1[2];
* strfile1[0] = "C:\reqlook.dxx"
* while (0 <= file1.read(strfile1[]))
{ process records from strfile1[1];
* }
*2000-06-25 add following methods to make more "object" like.
* illustrated by "sample" use.
* JsrLineIn file1 = new JsrLineIn();
* String file1Name = "input.txt";
* String file1Line;
* file1.setName(file1Name); // open new file (close old if one is open).
* // this is a noOP if file1Name matches open file.
* while (0 <== file1.getNext() // reads next record
* { // returns rec# or -rec# for EOF
file1Line = file1.getLine(); // process records here
* }
* also: int getCount(); returns current record counter
* example: (at EOF rec# is negative)
* int recordsRead = - file1.getCount();
import java.io.*;
public class JsrLineIn
static final String COPYRIGHT =
"Copyright 1998-2000, JSR Systems. See: www.Jsrsys.com/copyright.";
int recNum = 0; // 0 if no open files (see eofNum)!
int eofNum = 0; // - recNum of last file closed!
String fileLine = ""; // last Line (record) read.
String fileName = ""; // name of last open file.
//1.0 DataInputStream inFileStream;
//1.0 DataInput inFile;
BufferedReader inFile;
JsrSysout sysout = new JsrSysout();
JsrUtil u = new JsrUtil();
public JsrLineIn() // null constructor
int open(String parmName)
if (recNum != 0)
// sysout.display("Open Input: " + parmName); // move to after FileNotFound:
// open code here
fileName = parmName;
recNum = 0;
//1.0 try {inFileStream =
//1.0 new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream ( fileName));
//1.0 inFile = inFileStream;
try {inFile = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader
(new FileInputStream ( fileName)),1000000);
} catch (FileNotFoundException eFNF)
{sysout.display("FileNotFound: " + fileName);
recNum=-1; eofNum=-1; //
if (recNum == 0) sysout.display("Open Input: " + parmName);
return recNum;
int close()
sysout.display("Close Input: " + u.padLeft (recNum, 10)
+ " Records: " + u.padRight(fileName,44));
if (recNum >= 0)
//1.0 try {inFileStream.close(); // free up resource
try {inFile.close(); // free up resource
}catch ( IOException eIO )
{sysout.display("I/OError! " + fileName); }
eofNum = - recNum;
recNum = 0;
fileName = "";
//sysout.display("closeReturn: "+eofNum+": "+recNum);
return eofNum;
// the following "object" methods were added 2000-06-35
int getCount()
if (recNum > 0) return recNum; // file currently open
else return eofNum; // eof (- count) last file Read
void setName(String parmName) // oops, this will require re-compile of many programs.
if (!parmName.equals(fileName))
int getNext()
if (fileName.equals(""))
sysout.display("JsrLineIn--must use setName([name of File])!!!");
sysout.display("JsrLineIn--before reading w/ getNext()!!!!!!!!");
return -1;
if (recNum >= 0)
try {fileLine = inFile.readLine();
catch ( IOException eIO )
{sysout.display("I/OError! " + fileName); }
if (fileLine == null)
return close();
// sysout.display ("recNum="+recNum+ "Rec="+ fileLine);
return recNum;
String getLine()
return fileLine;
// the following method is kept for backward compatability!
int read(String nameRecord[])
// sysout.display("Read: " + nameRecord[0]);
if (!nameRecord[0].equals(fileName))
if (recNum >= 0)
try {nameRecord[1] = inFile.readLine();
catch ( IOException eIO )
{sysout.display("I/OError! " + fileName); }
if (nameRecord[1] == null)
return close();
// sysout.display ("recNum="+recNum+ "Rec="+ nameRecord[1]);
return recNum;
// JsrLineOut.java:
* Sample Use:
* JsrLineOut file1 = new JsrLineOut();
* String[] strfile1[2];
* strfile1[0] = "C:\reqlook.dxx"
* file1.Write(strfile1[]))
*2000-06-25 add following methods to make more "object" like.
* illustrated by "sample" use.
* JsrLineOut file1 = new JsrLineOut();
* String file1Name = "output.txt";
* String file1Line;
* ...
* file1.write(file1Name, file1Line);
* // if file1Name is differnet from last method call
* // open new file (close old if one is open).
*2000-07-11 add the following to make even more object like.
* file1.setName(file1Name); // call once for each file
* file1.setLine(file1Line); // call for each line to be written
* file1.setFlush(true/false); // if true cause flush() after each line written.
* if (fileName.equals("")) fileName = lastName; //2000-07-28
import java.io.*;
public class JsrLineOut
static final String COPYRIGHT =
"Copyright 1998-2000, JSR Systems. See: www.Jsrsys.com/copyright.";
boolean flushOn = false;
int recNum = 0;
String fileName = "";
String lastName = "";
//1.0 DataOutputStream outFileStream;
//1.0 DataOutput outFile;
BufferedWriter outFile;
JsrSysout sysout;
boolean displayOn;
JsrUtil u = new JsrUtil();
public JsrLineOut() // null constructor
sysout = new JsrSysout();
displayOn = true;
public JsrLineOut(String noLog) // constructor to not log
{ displayOn = false; // used by JsrSysout itself
} // to avoid recursive calls
int open(String parmName)
if (recNum != 0)
if (displayOn) sysout.display("Open Output: " + parmName);
// open code here
fileName = parmName;
recNum = 0;
//1.0try {outFileStream =
//1.0 new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream ( fileName));
//1.0 outFile = outFileStream;
try {outFile = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter
(new FileOutputStream (fileName)),1000000);
} catch ( IOException eIO )
{System.out.println("I/OError! " + fileName);
return recNum;
int close()
if (recNum > 0)
if (displayOn)
sysout.display("Close Output: " + u.padLeft(recNum,10)
+ " Records: "+ fileName
+" ");
//1.0 try {outFileStream.close(); // free up resource
try {outFile.close(); // free up resource
}catch ( IOException eIO )
{System.out.println("I/OError! " + fileName); }
recNum = - recNum;
lastName = fileName; // save lastName if call w/o setName()
fileName = "";
return recNum;
// 2000-07-11 add setName(String fileName) move file "open" check logic
// add setLine(String fileLine) to do write.
void setName(String parmName)
if (!parmName.equals(fileName))
int setLine(String parmLine)
if (recNum >= 0)
if (fileName.equals("")) fileName = lastName; //2000-07-28
try { outFile.write(parmLine);
outFile.newLine(); // platform dependent line separator
if (flushOn) outFile.flush(); // flush after each line...
} catch ( IOException eIO )
{System.out.println("I/OError! " + fileName); }
return recNum;
void setFlush(boolean parmTF)
flushOn = parmTF;
// 2000-06-25 add following "object" method.
// 2000-07-11 all code moved to setName/setLine().
int write(String parmName, String parmLine)
// if (displayOn) sysout.display("Write: " + parmName + parmLine);
return setLine(parmLine);
// following is kept for backward compatability
int write(String nameRecord[])
// if (displayOn) sysout.display("Write: " + nameRecord[0] + nameRecord[1]);
return setLine(nameRecord[1]);
* JsrSortByKey
public class JsrSortByKey
static final String COPYRIGHT =
"Copyright 1998, JSR Systems. See: www.Jsrsys.com/copyright.";
/* This is a generic version of C.A.R Hoare's Quick Sort
* algorithm. This will handle arrays that are already
* sorted, and arrays with duplicate keys.
* @param a a String array
* @param lo0 left boundary of array partition
* @param hi0 right boundary of array partition
JsrSysout sysout = new JsrSysout();
int[] keys; // [0] = table length, [1],[2],[3],... column,length,A/D key triplets...
// [1] is left column (1 is first column)
// [2] is length of key segment
// [3] 0 = sort ascending, else sort descending (usually -1).
int i;
String loKey;
String hiKey;
int iCompare;
public void sort(String a[], int lkey[])
keys = lkey;
sysout.display("Sorting table of length: "+lkey[0]);
for (i = 1; i < lkey.length; i+=3)
sysout.display("Column/length/A-D): "+lkey[i]+"/"+lkey[i+1]+"/"+lkey[i+2]);
keys[i+1] = keys[i] + keys[i+1];
//sysout.display("*substring.../A-D): "+lkey[i]+"/"+lkey[i+1]+"/"+lkey[i+2]);
JsrQuickSort(a, 0, lkey[0] - 1);
private int compareKeys(String aLo, String aMid)
iCompare = 0;
for (i = 1; (i < keys.length && iCompare == 0); i+=3)
//sysout.display("compareKeys Index[i]="+i+" keys.length="+keys.length);
loKey = aLo.substring(keys[i],keys[i+1]);
hiKey = aMid.substring(keys[i],keys[i+1]);
iCompare = loKey.compareTo(hiKey);
if (iCompare != 0 && keys[i+2] != 0) iCompare = - iCompare;
// if descending, modify result of compare.
//sysout.display("Comparing: "+loKey+"/"+hiKey+"*="+iCompare);
return iCompare;
void JsrQuickSort(String a[], int lo0, int hi0)
int lo = lo0;
int hi = hi0;
String mid;
if ( hi0 > lo0)
// Arbitrarily establishing partition element at the midpoint.
mid = a[ ( lo0 + hi0 ) / 2 ];
// loop through the array until indices cross
while( lo <= hi )
// find the first element that is greater than or equal to
// the partition element starting from the left Index.
while( ( lo < hi0 ) && ( compareKeys(a[lo], mid) < 0 ))
// find an element that is smaller than or equal to
// the partition element starting from the right Index.
while( ( hi > lo0 ) && ( compareKeys(a[hi], mid) > 0 ))
// if the indexes have not crossed, swap
if( lo <= hi )
swap(a, lo, hi);
// If the right index has not reached the left side of array
// must now sort the left partition.
if( lo0 < hi )
JsrQuickSort( a, lo0, hi );
/* If the left index has not reached the right side of array
* must now sort the right partition.
if( lo < hi0 )
JsrQuickSort( a, lo, hi0 );
private void swap(String a[], int i, int j)
String T;
T = a[i];
a[i] = a[j];
a[j] = T;
// JsrSysout.java:
* to simplify display/accept logic for debugging.
* Sample Use:
* import JsrSysout; ...
* JsrSysout sysout = new JsrSysout(); ...
* sysout.display("Text to display"); // display line, stop at bottom of screen
* sysout.accept ("Text to display"); // display line, return input.
* sysout.speedometer("Text to display"); // display line, do NOT advance
* // next display (or spedometer) will
* // display in same space.
* each instance of JsrSysout will save the last character entered from getQ.
* if that character is "q" (113), lower case q, subsequent calls to that
* instance will neither display (System.out.println),
* nor getQ (System.in.read()).
* 1998/08/18 modification. If user enters "R" (for Run),
* displays will continue, but user will not be prompted for input.
* 1999-08-25 modifications:
* d.syslog("syslog.txt"); // will log to file syslog.txt.
* d.setNoStop(); // sets qBig to "R".
* 2000-06-25 add d.close() method so syslog can be closed if open.
* 2000-07-11 add setFlush(true) call so syslog lines exist even if not closed
import java.io.*;
public class JsrSysout
static final String COPYRIGHT =
"Copyright 1998-2000, JSR Systems. See: www.Jsrsys.com/copyright.";
static final int MAXLINELEN = 80;
static final int MAXSCREEN = 21;
static int qBig = ' '; // 81 "Q" to terminate all instances
// 82 "R" run, do not query user any more
int qChar = ' '; // 113 "q" to terminate this instance
static int nLines = 0;
static String syslogFileName = "";
// make syslog... static so any program can turn on logging of ALL calls
static JsrLineOut syslogFile = new JsrLineOut("NoLog");
// any string in constructor will suppress recursive calls to JsrSysout
// this is a "special" option of JsrLineOut used only by JsrSysout.
JsrUtil u = new JsrUtil(); // for padRight method
public JsrSysout() // null constructor
void display(String displayString)
if (qChar != 113 && qBig != 81)
// System.out.println("Last q="+qChar+", Last Q="+qBig);
nLines += (displayString.length()+MAXLINELEN)/MAXLINELEN;
if (nLines > MAXSCREEN)
if (syslogFileName.length() > 0)
void getQ(String displayString)
if (qChar != 113 && qBig != 81)
// System.out.println("Last q="+qChar+", Last Q="+qBig);
if (syslogFileName.length() > 0)
nLines = (displayString.length()+MAXLINELEN)/MAXLINELEN;
if (qBig != 82)
System.out.println("Waiting for input..."+
"(Press [Enter], or \"q\", or \"Q\", "+
"or \"R\", then [Enter].)");
try {qChar = System.in.read();System.in.read();}
catch (IOException eIO){}
qBig = qChar; // if "Q" will terminate all instances.
// if "q" will terminate this instance.
String accept(String display)
byte[] inByte = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6}; // create byte array
String inCode;
try {System.in.read(inByte);}
catch (IOException eIO){} // this reads until get CR/LF, last two bytes are 13/10
inCode = new String(inByte);
int i = 0;
while (inByte[i] > 31) i++; // SPACE = 32, CR=13, LF=10.
inCode = inCode.substring(0,i); // strip trailing CR/LF
return inCode;
void speedometer(String displayString)
void setNoStop()
qBig = 'R';
void syslog(String fileName)
syslogFileName = fileName;
void close()
if (syslogFileName != "")
// JsrUtil.java: padLeft, padRight, string or integer input.
// output is padded or truncated as necessary.
* Sample Use:
* import JsrUtil; ...
* JsrUtil u = new JsrUtil();
* paddedString = u.padLeft(oldString,10); // pad left with blanks
* paddedString = u.padLeft(oldInt,10); // comma inserted every 3 bytes.
* paddedString = u.padLeft(oldInt,10,2); // " + .00 (2 is # decimal points).
// 2000-01-11 add support for long integers for above two methods.
* zeroPadInt = u.padZero(oldInt,10); // pad left with zeroes.
* paddedString = u.padRight(oldString,10); // pad right with blanks.
* dateTime = u.getDateTime();
* modString = u.replaceAll(inString,fromString,toString);
* fileRename = u.renameFile(oldFileName,newFileName);
* int = u.getInt(inString); // makes String an int.
* if not an Integer, returns Integer.MIN_VALUE
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
public class JsrUtil
static final String COPYRIGHT =
"Copyright 1998, JSR Systems. See: www.Jsrsys.com/copyright.";
static final char[] blank = {' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',
' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',
' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',
' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',
' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '};
// fifty (50) blanks for append...
public JsrUtil() // null constructor
String padLeft(String parmString, int parmLen)
String tempString;
int addLen;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(parmLen);
// set capacity of initial buffer to desired length!
if (parmString.length() > parmLen)
tempString = parmString.substring(parmString.length()-parmLen,
// tempString = parmString;
// while (tempString.length() < parmLen)
// tempString = " "+tempString;
addLen = parmLen - parmString.length();
while (addLen > 50) // char[] array is only 50 blanks.
sb = sb.append(blank,0,50);
addLen -= 50;
} // now append final set of blanks w/ original string on end
tempString = sb.append(blank,0,addLen).append(parmString).toString();
return tempString;
String padLeft(int parmInt, int parmLen)
Integer tempInt = new Integer(parmInt);
String tempString = tempInt.toString();
int digitLen = tempString.length();
int numComma = (digitLen-1) / 3;
int addLen = parmLen - digitLen - numComma;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(parmLen);
if (addLen > 0)
while (addLen > 50) // char[] array is only 50 blanks.
sb = sb.append(blank,0,50);
addLen -= 50;
} // now append final set of blanks w/ original string on end
else sb.append(tempString);
// System.out.println("d/n/a:"+digitLen+"/"+numComma+"/"+addLen+sb);
int commaPos = sb.length() - 3;
while (numComma > 0)
commaPos -= 3;
// 2000-06-25 for integer input -only- put in ",".
// also, do not truncate if longer than parmLen!
// return padLeft(tempString, parmLen);
return sb.toString();
String padLeft(int parmInt, int parmLen, int parmDecimal)
Integer tempInt = new Integer(parmInt);
String tempString = tempInt.toString();
while (tempString.length() < parmDecimal) tempString = "0"+tempString;
// make sure there are parmDecimal zeroes.
int digitLen = tempString.length();
int numComma = (digitLen - 1 - parmDecimal) / 3;
int addLen = parmLen - digitLen - numComma - 1;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(parmLen);
if (addLen > 0)
while (addLen > 50) // char[] array is only 50 blanks.
sb = sb.append(blank,0,50);
addLen -= 50;
} // now append final set of blanks w/ original string on end
else sb.append(tempString);
// System.out.println("d/n/a:"+digitLen+"/"+numComma+"/"+addLen+sb);
int decimalPos = sb.length() - parmDecimal;
int commaPos = sb.length() - 4 - parmDecimal;
while (numComma > 0)
commaPos -= 3;
// 2000-11-27 added parmDecimal method...
// 2000-06-25 for integer input -only- put in ",".
// also, do not truncate if longer than parmLen!
// return padLeft(tempString, parmLen);
return sb.toString();
// 2000-01-11 add support for long integers
String padLeft(long parmInt, int parmLen)
Long tempInt = new Long(parmInt);
String tempString = tempInt.toString();
int digitLen = tempString.length();
int numComma = (digitLen-1) / 3;
int addLen = parmLen - digitLen - numComma;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(parmLen);
if (addLen > 0)
while (addLen > 50) // char[] array is only 50 blanks.
sb = sb.append(blank,0,50);
addLen -= 50;
} // now append final set of blanks w/ original string on end
else sb.append(tempString);
// System.out.println("d/n/a:"+digitLen+"/"+numComma+"/"+addLen+sb);
int commaPos = sb.length() - 3;
while (numComma > 0)
commaPos -= 3;
return sb.toString();
String padLeft(long parmInt, int parmLen, int parmDecimal)
Long tempInt = new Long(parmInt);
String tempString = tempInt.toString();
while (tempString.length() < parmDecimal) tempString = "0"+tempString;
// make sure there are parmDecimal zeroes.
int digitLen = tempString.length();
int numComma = (digitLen - 1 - parmDecimal) / 3;
int addLen = parmLen - digitLen - numComma - 1;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(parmLen);
if (addLen > 0)
while (addLen > 50) // char[] array is only 50 blanks.
sb = sb.append(blank,0,50);
addLen -= 50;
} // now append final set of blanks w/ original string on end
else sb.append(tempString);
// System.out.println("d/n/a:"+digitLen+"/"+numComma+"/"+addLen+sb);
int decimalPos = sb.length() - parmDecimal;
int commaPos = sb.length() - 4 - parmDecimal;
while (numComma > 0)
commaPos -= 3;
return sb.toString();
// 2000-01-11 add support for long integers
String padZero(int parmInt, int parmLen)
Integer tempInt = new Integer(parmInt);
String tempString = tempInt.toString();
if (tempString.length() > parmLen)
tempString = tempString.substring(tempString.length()-parmLen,
while (tempString.length() < parmLen)
tempString = "0"+tempString;
return tempString;
String padRight(String parmString, int parmLen)
String tempString;
int addLen;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(parmLen);
// set capacity of initial buffer to desired length!
if (parmString.length() > parmLen)
tempString = parmString.substring(0,parmLen+1);
//tempString = parmString;
//while (tempString.length() < parmLen)
// tempString = tempString + " ";
// 2000-06-24 replace above with following more efficient code
// above code actualy generates:
// tempString = new StringBuffer().append(tempString).append(" ").toString();
// (i.e., a new StringBuffer is allocated, data is put into it,
// it is converted back to a string, for EACH character added)
addLen = parmLen - parmString.length();
sb = sb.append(parmString);
while (addLen > 50) // char[] array is only 50 blanks.
sb = sb.append(blank,0,50);
addLen -= 50;
} // now append final set of blanks
tempString = sb.append(blank,0,addLen).toString();
return tempString;
String getDateTime()
Calendar rightNow = Calendar.getInstance();
String today = rightNow.get(Calendar.YEAR)+"-"+
// add 1 to month because Calendar returns 0 for January!!!
return today;
// replaceAll() method modifies all occurences of "from" to "to"
// special cases: toString = '*delete*', newString='*delete* if find fromString
// fromString ends in '=', replace text following '='
// to first space, '>' or end-of-line.
// example from: 'WIDTH=' to: ''
// old: 'xxWIDTH=abc z' becomes: 'xxz'
String replaceAll(String oldString, String from, String to)
int lenFrom = from.length();
int lenTo = to.length();
String newSB = new String();
char endFrom = from.charAt(lenFrom-1);
char numChar = ' ';
int where = 0;
int last = 0;
int lenOld = oldString.length();
where = oldString.indexOf(from);
if (to.equals("*delete*") && where != -1)
newSB = "*delete*";
while (where != -1)
newSB = newSB+oldString.substring(last,where)+to;
last = where + lenFrom;
if (endFrom == '=')
numChar = oldString.charAt(last);
while (numChar > ' ' && numChar != '>' && last < lenOld)
// skip to next white space or '>' or end of line
numChar = oldString.charAt(last);
where = oldString.indexOf(from,last);
newSB = newSB+oldString.substring(last,lenOld);
return newSB;
// end of replaceAll
void renameFile(String oldFileName, String newFileName)
File oldFD = new File(oldFileName);
File newFD = new File(newFileName);
if (newFD.exists() == true)
System.out.println("delete " + newFD+"=" + newFD.delete());
System.out.println("rename "+oldFD+ " to "+ newFD+"=" + oldFD.renameTo(newFD));
// end of renameFile
// getInt(String) -- so don't have to remember how to do it.
int getInt( String parmNumber)
//Integer tempInt = new Integer(parmNumber);
//return tempInt.intValue(); // old way.
{ return Integer.parseInt(parmNumber);}
catch (NumberFormatException e)
{ return Integer.MIN_VALUE; }
// end of getInt
class JsrRTF
static final String COPYRIGHT =
"Copyright 2000, JSR Systems. See: www.Jsrsys.com/copyright.";
JsrSysout debug = new JsrSysout();
JsrUtil u = new JsrUtil();
String[] inputFile = {" ", " "};
JsrLineIn input = new JsrLineIn();
String[] outputFile = {" ", " "};
JsrLineOut output = new JsrLineOut();
String ccChar = "*";
String startLine = "";
public static void main(String parm[])
JsrRTF jsr = new JsrRTF();
private void run(String parm[])
debug.display("JsrRTF--usage: JsrRTF <input file> <output file>");
if (parm.length < 2)
debug.display("JsrRTF--requires two parameters");
inputFile [0] = parm[0];
outputFile [0] = parm[1];
debug.display("Reading from: " + inputFile[0]);
debug.display("Writing to: " + outputFile[0]);
outputFile[1] = "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\deff0\\deflang1033"+
"{\\fonttbl {\\f0\\fmodern\\fprq1\\fcharset0 Lucida Console;}}"+
"{\\colortbl ;\\red0\\green0\\blue0;}"+
int recNum = 0;
while (0 <= (recNum=input.read(inputFile)))
if (inputFile[1].length() < 2)
ccChar = " ";
inputFile[1] = " ";
ccChar = inputFile[1].substring(0,1);
inputFile[1] = inputFile[1].substring(1);
if (inputFile[1].indexOf("\\") != -1)
inputFile[1] = u.replaceAll(inputFile[1],"\\","\\\\");
if (inputFile[1].indexOf("{") != -1)
inputFile[1] = u.replaceAll(inputFile[1],"{","\\{");
if (inputFile[1].indexOf("}") != -1)
inputFile[1] = u.replaceAll(inputFile[1],"}","\\}");
startLine = "";
if (ccChar.equals(" ")) startLine = "\\par ";
if (ccChar.equals("+")) startLine = "\\par "; // can't do overstrike lines!d
if (ccChar.equals("0")) startLine = "\\par\\par ";
if (ccChar.equals("-")) startLine = "\\par\\par\\par ";
startLine = "\\par ";
if (ccChar.equals("1"))
if (recNum != 1) startLine = "\\page ";
else startLine = "";
outputFile[1] = startLine + inputFile[1];
outputFile[1] = "}";