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Election Information

Notice from the Secretary

The information below is provided to introduce you to the candidates who will be standing for election to the Board of Directors at SHARE in San Jose.
Please review this material carefully as you prepare to cast a vote for your installation. In the event that your installation representative will not be attending the upcoming conference, please appoint an alternate from your installation to cast your vote.
Election Time and Location
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
San Jose Convention Center
Concourse Terrace
Janet Sun, SHARE Secretary

Letter from the Nominating Committee Chairman

I am extremely pleased and proud to announce the slate of candidates for the election to be held at our upcoming San Jose meeting. In accepting these nominations, the listed individuals and their employers are making a commitment of both personal and organizational time, and resources over and above that made by the typical SHARE participant.  SHARE extends its thanks and gratitude to these candidates and to their sponsoring organizations.

Pursuant to Article VII of the SHARE Bylaws, the 2008 Nominating Committee has selected the candidates listed below to stand for the offices indicated. Four officer positions and two director positions are to be filled by election this year.  The Nominating Committee has determined that each candidate is qualified and each has submitted the appropriate assurance of willingness to serve that is required by Section 7.4 of the Bylaws.

Please join me in thanking them for their dedication and commitment to SHARE.

I also want to thank the 2008 Nominating Committee - Anne E. Caluori, Karla Houser, Millie Jernigan, Michael Stack, Robert Rannie - one more time for their work and on a job well done.

I would also like to remind you that the next Nominating Committee will be looking for candidates for 2009 and it's never too early to start thinking about that.

Robert Rosen
2008 Nominating Committee Chairperson


For the Office of President

Pamela J. Taylor, Sterling Commerce


For the Office of Vice President

Jim Michael, California State University, Fresno 


For the Office of Treasurer

Janet Sun, Mainstar Software Corporation

For the Office of Secretary

Paul Seay, Northrop Grumman Corporation












For the Office of Non-Officer Director - Two to be Elected

Steve Guendert, Brocade Communications Systems, Inc.
Tom Harper, Neon Enterprise Software, Inc.
Art Louise, Group Health Incorporated

Brian Peterson, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota