St. Matthew's Episcopal Church
Waimanalo, Oahu, Hawaii

Aloha, in the way it is said, can carry a special meaning or inference depending
on who says it, and how it is said to the person it is being said to.
Aloha is hello, goodbye, I love you, until we meet again.
Aloha is respect, care, compassion, warmth, and it instills pride.
Its various parts carry important meaning:
  Alo is to come face to face one with another.
  Ha is the very breath, the Source of the speaker being shared with the hearer.

It is as though in meeting we are coming face to face with the Source, God, our Spiritual power being shared with yours as we greet and share with each other.  Aloha.

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Copyright © 1997, St. Matthew's Episcopal Church, Waimanalo, Oahu, Hawaii, All rights reserved.